Anyone remember using fast films? They had a character all of their own, fine grain not being one of them.
Royal X Pan in 120 size only was 1250 ASA.
Kodak High Speed Recording Film 2475 was something between 1000 and 64,000 ASA depending on what you did with it. I think for the latter you processed it for six weeks at 24C.....
Agfapan 1000 was a nice film with lovely tonal gradation.
There were some colour ones too, all for slides.
High Speed Ektachrome was a modest 160 ASA but not a bad film.
GAF 500 was truly dreadful IMHO, but fast.
3M had a fast Tungsten film too, but I cannot recall its speed. Never used it.
Now we just take a digital image and decide what to make it look like afterwards. How things have changed.
Fast Films
Fast Films
Best regards