This week we have the latest round of the Monthly Competition. Keith tells us that there are 81 entries for this digital round, so it's great to see so many people having a go. The judge this month will be Bill Edwards. Bill has judged many times at ADAPS and always gives an excellent, well considered appraisal.
The competition table is on show at the clubrooms, and is also on the ADAPS website, and the pace is now hotting up. However, winning is one thing, but most important of all is that the competitions let us see how our photography is progressing. Whether we do well with the judge's comments or not, there will be something there to be taken on board. So don't be shy about the competitions, leap into them, and very often our newer members find themselves winning very quickly.
Thursday 24th January 2013 - Monthly Competition
Thursday 24th January 2013 - Monthly Competition
Best regards