Members News

This page will be used to provide news and information only to members. 

Thursday night club events below which we don’t advertise on social media.

practical nights & outdoor events

Thursday 18th July 2024

Practical Evening 

Macro Photography

Bring along some items to shoot for the macro photography

Thursday 1st August 2024

Outdoor Practical Night

Street Photography in Castlefields, Manchester

We are meeting at 18:30 outside the Castlefields Hotel on Liverpool Road 

Sunday 4th August 2024

Morecambe 1940’s Revival

Anyone who is interested in attending the the 1940’s revival in Morecambe

There is a list on the club notice board to add your name to

Any members with transport who can assist with car sharing, this will be greatly appreciated

Thursday 31st October 2024

ADAPS (very) Rocky Horror Show

Members to dress as their favourite horror character for a photoshoot evening

The scarier the better